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Your pet’s well-being and comfort are always our primary concern.
We are committed to helping animals live their best lives possible by providing compassionate, professional animal health care as a full service veterinary hospital.
Our modern animal hospital located in Richmond, BC, offers a wide range of medical, surgical, dental, and wellness services including animal massage and therapy laser. We are focused on your pet’s comfort and safety in our hospital.
We provide extensive surgical services, both general and orthopedic, to clients throughout the Lower Mainland. Our surgical suite is built to the latest standards and includes positive pressure ventilation. Advanced postoperative pain management techniques are utilized and pets are recovered from anesthesia in a monitored, heated recovery area for their comfort and safety.

Our Services
Clients Served
Animals Helped
Wags and purrs
Combined years

"The road to our hearts is paved with paw prints"
Thinking about getting a new puppy?
Thinking about getting a new kitten?
Our Values
Compassion. Our deep care and attention for your pet stems from our passion and love for animals and our belief that they deserve the same kindness as any other family member.
Knowledge. We believe in using leading industry treatments, particularly in surgical procedures, and providing professional medical attention from experienced veterinary practitioners throughout your pet’s entire lifespan.
Excellence. We believe you and your pet deserve to be treated with the highest level of professionalism and quality care.
Integrity. We pride ourselves in honest, open communication so that you can make the best decision for your pet and feel confident that we have your pet’s best interest at heart.