How To Prevent Pet Poisoning
Many common household items present a potential risk to your furry friend’s health and well-being so it’s important to learn how to safely organize your home in order to make it a pet-safe environment.
How To Keep Your Pets Safe During A Disaster
First and most importantly: do not leave your pets behind in the event of an evacuation! Pets that are left behind can escape or become trapped and injured. Remember, if it isn’t safe for humans, it isn’t safe for pets!
When To Go To The Emergency Hospital
Often times, as a pet owner, it’s hard to know whether your pet’s condition is a true medical emergency or not.
Emergency Preparedness For Pets
Natural Disasters can come at any time and can come in many forms. In the lower mainland we need to be aware of the potential for earthquakes…
Marijuana Intoxication In Our Pets
Marijuana is a popular recreational drug used by millions of people all over the world. Its use is likely to rise due to the changes being made in legislation and that may lead to an increase in cases of intoxication of pets by this drug.
Preventing Dog Bites
We need to learn how to safely and respectfully approach dogs to prevent these episodes from occurring. There are appropriate and inappropriate was to approach and greet dogs…
Holiday Hazards
The holiday season brings merry festivities to our homes and often brings new people, plants, foods, and decorations which warm our hearts (and our bellies!) but can also pose threats to our canine and feline family members.
Engaging With Your Dog In The Fall
Like with any season, your own routine might change a little to adjust to the weather and this also applies for your dog.
Thanksgiving Foods For Pets
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, no doubt you’re already starting to prepare a feast for your family friends.
Travelling With Your Pet
Summer is a time for many people to travel. Road trips to new cities, trips to the beach, family visits or time spent camping in our wonderful wilderness, there are lots of options. But what to do with your pet?
6 Halloween Dangers For Pets
To celebrate the upcoming spooky holiday, here are some tips to keep your pet safe this Halloween.
What To Do With Your Pets When You Go On Vacation
What do you do with your pets when you go on vacation?
People Foods To Avoid Feeding Your Pets
While we may think of them as our children, dogs and cats are not little people and they have their own unique metabolisms. Some of the things we can eat, they cannot and certain foods can be very dangerous, even lethal to our pets.