Kennel Cough
We’ve all had that annoying and painful hacking cough before…but have you ever heard your dog do it? No, your dog did not catch your cold…but he may have caught his own type of “cold”! If you’re a dog owner, you have probably heard of kennel cough before, especially if you ever take your dog to a grooming or boarding facility. If your dog is hacking or making constant noises that sound like they are choking, they may have a case of kennel cough, or as it is also known, canine infectious tracheobronchitis.
Leptospirosis – What is it and how can it be prevented?
Leptospirosis is a disease caused by contact and infection of the Leptospira bacteria. These leptospires will spread throughout the entire body, reproducing in the liver, kidneys, central nervous system, eyes, and reproductive system. Although dogs are most commonly affected
The Importance of Rabies Vaccinations
Rabies is a very serious and fatal virus that affects the central nervous system of an animal or human. Although any warm-blooded mammal can contract the rabies virus, it is most commonly found in wild animals such as coyotes, foxes, raccoons, skunks, and bats. The virus is spread through…
Lyme Disease Prevention
The question that veterinarians throughout British Columbia have been hearing more and more often is “can my dog get lyme disease?”