Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is one of the most common tick-transmitted diseases in the world but only causes symptoms in a small percentage of the dogs that are affected. Bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi are transmitted through the bite of the Ixodes tick (deer tick).
Pet Fire Safety
As we’re all well aware, the late summer months are the peak of “wildfire season”. Most families have some sort of evacuation plan, but are your pets part of your plan? Fires, whether they are grass fires or house fires, can start and travel very quickly. Having a written out and practiced plan is the best way to keep you and your entire household safe.
The Importance of Rabies Vaccinations
Rabies is a very serious and fatal virus that affects the central nervous system of an animal or human. Although any warm-blooded mammal can contract the rabies virus, it is most commonly found in wild animals such as coyotes, foxes, raccoons, skunks, and bats. The virus is spread through…
What To Keep In A Pet’s First Aid Kit
Keeping a first aid kit for your pet is just as important as having one for yourself. It can help you in the event of an emergency where you need to quickly get to their rescue…
Travelling With Your Pet
Summer is a time for many people to travel. Road trips to new cities, trips to the beach, family visits or time spent camping in our wonderful wilderness, there are lots of options. But what to do with your pet?