What To Do If Your Dog Gets Stung By A Bee Or A Wasp

With summer fast approaching, dogs and their owners like to spend more time in the outdoors. The warmer weather also brings a wide variety of insects, including bees and wasps and increases the chance of your dog getting stung.

Dogs are often stung on the face, the inside of the mouth or on the paws. If you dog has been stung they may exhibit any of the following symptoms: whining, drooling, hives, pawing at the face or eyes, facial swelling, general weakness, or difficulty breathing.

Just like humans, dogs can suffer an allergic reaction to insect stings. If your dog is stung in the mouth, it may cause swelling which can restrict breathing. If you believe your dog is having an allergic reaction, take your dog to the vet immediately.

What to do if your dog has been stung

  • Do not try to squeeze out a stinger as this can release venom into your dog increasing pain
  • Observe your dog after the sting to ensure they do not develop an allergic reaction
  • If your dog will tolerate a cold compress, apply one to the affected area
  • Take your dog to the vet to seek medical attention

Be sure to monitor your dog when you are outside and inspect your yard regularly for nests. Basic training such as “stay” and “come” are invaluable commands that can save your dog’s life.


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