How To Prevent Pet Poisoning
Many common household items present a potential risk to your furry friend’s health and well-being so it’s important to learn how to safely organize your home in order to make it a pet-safe environment.
What To Keep In A Pet’s First Aid Kit
Keeping a first aid kit for your pet is just as important as having one for yourself. It can help you in the event of an emergency where you need to quickly get to their rescue…
Emergency Preparedness For Pets
Natural Disasters can come at any time and can come in many forms. In the lower mainland we need to be aware of the potential for earthquakes…
Marijuana Intoxication In Our Pets
Marijuana is a popular recreational drug used by millions of people all over the world. Its use is likely to rise due to the changes being made in legislation and that may lead to an increase in cases of intoxication of pets by this drug.
What To Do If Your Dog Gets Stung By A Bee Or A Wasp
With summer fast approaching, dogs and their owners like to spend more time in the outdoors. The warmer weather also brings a wide variety of insects, including bees and wasps and increases the chance of your dog getting stung.