With so much concern around the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), we want to let you know what we are doing to help keep you and our staff safe. We are committed to taking the appropriate steps to help contain the spread of COVID-19 while continuing to provide your pets with uninterrupted care. Unless you believe you have come in contact with COVID-19, are contagious, or are under quarantine directions, please continue to come in for appointments and procedures as you normally would.

We are following the guidance and advice provided by health authorities. This means asking our clients who suspect they may have come into contact with the coronavirus, are exhibiting symptoms, or have traveled in the past 14 days to NOT come into the clinic. If your pet does have an urgent concern, please notify us before arriving at the clinic. This is so that we can make the necessary preparations to minimize contact with other clients and our staff.

We are also taking steps to keep our clinic a low-risk environment. This includes regularly disinfecting common areas and equipment (including POS keypads), and maintaining open communication with our staff and clients. We want to ensure we are doing our part to keep our community healthy.

We are keeping doors locked to reduce foot traffic in our waiting areas. When you arrive at the clinic, please give us a call at 604 274 9938 and we will make sure the area is clear for you to come in for your appointment. We also ask that only 1 person accompany their pet for the examination. If you don't feel comfortable coming into the clinic then please let us know at that time of booking your appointment that you would like a parking lot appointment so we can allocate time accordingly. Once you arrive give us a call on 604 274 9938.  Our team will come out to you, retrieve your pet from your car, bring it in to the clinic and provide the same service and care as if you were there. The only difference is that you can stay in your car while your pet is being seen. Once your pet's appointment is done we will come out to you or call you and go over everything. All treatments will be done that you agree to and then your pet will be returned to you. We can also do parking lot prescription or food pick ups if you have a credit card on file with us. 

Many people have been stocking up on pet food and supplies. We are doing our best to order enough to go around and remind all our clients that we need to share the supply so that no one has to go without. We want to remind you of our online webstore https://www2.myvetstore.ca/Account/Register.  We are ensuring anyone that needs to self isolate still has access to the products they need.  We are looking into expanding our webstore to include prescription medications also over the coming weeks (please be patient as we add this inventory - it takes time).

A few people have asked us whether transmission of COVID-19 between humans and their pets is possible. Although there is no definitive answer at this time, there is currently no evidence that pets can become sick. Infectious disease experts, as well as the CDC, OIE, and WHO, indicate there is no evidence to suggest that dogs or cats can be a source of infection with SARS-CoV-2. This includes spreading COVID-19 to people. 
Links to reliable information sources, as well as an FAQ for pet owners from the AVMA, are at the end of this letter.

We will continue to monitor the current situation. We will notify you of any changes that could have an impact on your ability to get care for your pets. We are fortunate to live in an area that is currently low risk, but it will take a responsible approach by everyone to make sure that doesn’t change. Please take care of yourselves and your fur kids.


Dr Breanne Galloway, Dr Teresa Millar, Dr Margaret Fisher and the team at Steveston Veterinary Hospital

BC Centre for Disease Control

BC Health

Health Canada

World Health Organization

American Veterinary Medical Association FAQ for Pet Owners 


IMHA - Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia


Otitis in Dogs – “Externa” & “Media”