Kennel Cough

We’ve all had that annoying and painful hacking cough before…but have you ever heard your dog do it? No, your dog did not catch your cold…but he may have caught his own type of “cold”! If you’re a dog owner, you have probably heard of kennel cough before, especially if you ever take your dog to a grooming or boarding facility. If your dog is hacking or making constant noises that sound like they are choking, they may have a case of kennel cough, or as it is also known, canine infectious tracheobronchitis.

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Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis (HGE) in Dogs

Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis (HGE) has, in recent years, been renamed Acute Hemorrhagic Diarrhea Syndrome (AHDS), but you will hear veterinary personnel use either term. The term hemorrhagic gastroenteritis basically means inflammation of the stomach and intestine with bleeding. HGE is a life-threatening condition that occurs when large amounts of fluid or blood seep into the gut.

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IMHA - Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia

Clotting, or coagulation, takes place when blood transforms from a liquid to a thickened gel-like state. Once in this state, the gelled blood is called a clot. It is through the clotting process that a wound begins to heal. If a dog continues to bleed uncontrollably through a wound, this may be a sign of a clotting disorder. The failure of blood to clot can also result in internal hemorrhaging.

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