Antibiotic Resistance
We all know that a visit to the veterinary clinic can be expensive. It’s completely understandable to want to try to save money wherever and however you can. Unfortunately, when it comes to your pet and their medications, that is not a good idea.
Mast Cell Tumours
Mast cell tumors are the most common type of skin tumor found in dogs and the second most common in cats. They are most often noticed in middle aged patients, but can occur in any age. They are the most prevalent in Boxers and Boston terriers; these two breeds actually make up 50% of all dog cases. They are still found in many other breeds as well, though.
Pet Diet and Nutrition
When it comes to choosing a diet for your pet, we know how easy it is to become overwhelmed! The choices seem almost endless! How are you supposed to choose one that’s right for YOUR pet? Let us give you a few tips that we think will help.
COVID-19 and Your Pet: FAQ's
The overall risk that most domestic animals can become infected and develop illness is thought to be low. But, there is still limited information available and many unknowns about how this virus will behave
Blocked Cats – What does that mean?
The term “blocked cat” actually refers to the obstruction of the urethra in a male cat. (But it is important to remember that it can happen to both dogs and cats, and also in females – just less commonly). The urethra is the tube that drains urine from the bladder and when it becomes blocked, a cat cannot pass its urine. This is an emergency situation and needs to be addressed immediately.
National Cat Lover's Month
In recognition of December being National Cat Lover’s Month, let’s talk about one of the most controversial pet topics out there, and something that has recently been banned in the province of BC: declawing cats. To some, the act of declawing a cat is the most horrendous form of torture possible, but in some cases, there may be a medical reason why claws need to be removed. So…keeping the well-being of our feline friends a priority, let’s discuss the facts of this subject.
Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes occurs when the body cannot use glucose, the main source of energy for a body’s cells. When there is not enough glucose transported into the cells, there is not enough energy for the cells to function normally; in turn, the tissues become starved for that energy. A dog or cat will not be able to live long if this goes untreated.
Happy Healthy Cat Month
Keeping your cat both happy and healthy provides a higher quality of life and allows you to better monitor their behavior if something appears off. So, what can you do to help keep them at 100%?
Hyperthyroidism In Cats
The signs of hyperthyroidism can be subtle initially but become more severe as the disease progresses.
Rabies And Prevention
Rabies is a viral disease of mammals that infects the central nervous system and causes disease in the brain and ultimately death.
Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Mellitus is a disease which involves the lack of insulin in the body. To understand how this affects your pet it is necessary to understand how the body normally functions.
Feline Calicivirus Infections
Feline calicivirus infection is a common respiratory disease in cats. The virus attacks the respiratory tract — lungs and nasal passages — the mouth, with ulceration of the tongue, the intestines, and the musculoskeletal system.
Simple Tips For A Healthy & Happy Indoor Cat
Cat owners have the option whether or not to keep their pet indoors or allow outdoor access. While some believe that keeping your feline friend inside is “unnatural”, others feel it may be for the best.
Cancer In Cats
Cancer is not as common in cats as dogs, but it can still have devastating effects on our beloved felines.
How To Properly Groom Your Cat Or Dog
Regardless of whether you have a cat or a dog, grooming is a central responsibility of pet ownership. When it comes to how to properly groom your cat or dog, regular brushing and bathing are of key importance.
Spaying Or Neutering Your Pet
Spaying or neutering your pet is one of the most important health choices you can make for your furry friend.
6 Halloween Dangers For Pets
To celebrate the upcoming spooky holiday, here are some tips to keep your pet safe this Halloween.
Getting Your Cat To The Vet
Going to the vet can be a traumatizing experience for many cats but there are ways to lessen anxiety.